
A research study almost 10 years ago found over 200 different chemicals in the cord blood of infants. Most of these chemicals have never been studied for their long terms effects on the body or the brain, and further, they have never been studied to see the cumulative toxicity of multiple toxins. With the increase in chemicals in our food and environment it is incredibly crucial that we keep the toxin load as low as possible for anyone struggling with a neurological disorder.  A study from 2009 links parental exposure to pesticides to Childhood cancer, other research studies expose how various chemicals act as hormone disruptors.  Recent research has shown that Glyphosate actually inserts itself into our DNA replication pathways as a replacement for Glycine which is a major issue that is only now beginning to be understood.  

The toxins we are exposed to cause all sorts of havoc.  Autoimmune reactions, neurological ailments, mitochondrial dysfunction, cancer, infertility (and nearly everything in between) are some of the most common ailments that may be caused in part (or completely) by toxins.

At this point, it is impossible to avoid toxins in our lives.  I am an absolute maniac about eating organic, using green products and feeding Remy the highest quality food available.  When I tested Remy for heavy metals he had 100% toxin load. It’s unavoidable. But just because its pervasive doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t do our best to mitigate it and educate ourselves.

When it comes to detoxification, it is best to work with a knowledgeable practitioner.  Some supplements work better for different toxins and metals. Getting a baseline toxicity screening can be really helpful to know what you need to prioritize.   Also, some supplements may dislodge the toxins into the bloodstream only to be moved to another part of the body. Thus you must not only dislodge the toxins but bind them and excrete them properly (through the skin, liver or kidneys).  Most importantly, make sure to take it slow. It’s really scary to go down this rabbit hole and find out how dangerous and pervasive these toxins are, but detoxing too fast can cause major health issues and compound any current complaints you have.